I can help you
have a positive mindset
know yourself on a deeper level
become happier and healthier
improve your confidence and self esteem
identify and challenge what is holding you back
have a positive mindset ☐ know yourself on a deeper level ☐ become happier and healthier ☐ improve your confidence and self esteem ☐ identify and challenge what is holding you back ☐

How coaching works
Goals: first we clarify exactly what goals you want to achieve whether this be body confidence or getting out of a rut…
Life assessment: next you will be given tools to identify your current balance. I will help you quickly and geographically identify areas that require more energy and what you may need to cut back.
Deep insight: we go deep and discover what is really holding you back today, what are your unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs and perceptions- and remove them.
Plan of action: we create a path to follow to achieve your goals realistically.
Accountability: I hold you accountable between sessions so you achieve growth. Exercises and recommendations are set to move you forward.
I work with your unconscious beliefs and patterns that control your thinking, feelings and actions.
Why do I recommend 12 week one to one coaching packages?
Working with clients I commonly recommend lifestyle changes and natural remedies in addition to our sessions, these changes require time. I also know it is very difficult for people to change their habits; you are committing significant mental energy to become the best version of yourself. Changes in your lifestyle, your mindset, your habits are like sowing seeds: fruits of your labour appear slowly and grow over weeks and months but they take root and create a happier healthier life.
Habits are repetitive behaviours, as such they are easy and familiar, the ruts we fall into. Changing habits, mindset and perspective is hard, especially in the beginning. There are two requirements for success: motivation and determination to initiate change, along with time to consistently practice the new habits.
Twelve weeks is the optimal time, some changes may occur sooner or more time may be needed for some, one-to-one coaching moves at your pace. When you commit to a coaching package for three months, you have made the commitment of time, money and energy for it to work. You have committed to being the best version of yourself and set yourself on a journey of happiness and health.
And I wish all of you that undertake it will have the success my former clients have.