Lead by Example:
As a parent I want to teach my sons to treat their bodies like a temple but do I role model this? Do you love your own body?
As parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to impart values and habits that will help our children lead healthy and happy lives. Teaching your children to treat their bodies like temples is a valuable lesson that can have a profound impact on their overall well-being. However, to effectively instill this idea in your children, you must lead by example.
Your body is your vessel whilst you are here on earth, it is a fundamental part to how you experience the world. Yet in the western world we are not only losing the importance of the mind-body connection and judging our physical health via a scale but most people are only tending to their bodies when years of poor habits catch up with them and they get ill.
Little by little- lack of movement, build up of stress, over consumption of fatty foods, excessive drinking, dehydration, vitamin deficiency, toxin exposure will increase month after month, year after year until you are forced to respond- when your body is warning you. You do not need to let your health get to this point. Your body is designed for health and wants to support you.
“The greatest wealth is health.”
You know when your body is well when…
You eat a nutritious balance of whole foods, your body is not deficient in any vitamins or minerals and is being supported with supplements when diet alone cannot provide sufficiently.
Your food related treat’ is a rarity and not a daily or weekly occurrence. The risks associated with fatty foods, processed meals, alcohol, sugar will all increase with consumption.
You exercise regularly - get a sweat on and the heart rate going to keep your body in good physical health.
You have regular bowel movements- the gut is your second brain and can be a vital sign of good health.
You sleep well. The body cannot function optimally without sleep so ensuring sleep routine is critical.
You don’t keep getting sick- constant coughs and colds can be a sign of low immunity that can cause future challenges.
You are mentally and emotional healthy. Health is connected mental, emotionally and physically- suffering in one of theses areas impacts the others.
Why is it important to improve your body image?
There is no denying that your own physical appearance contributes to how attractive you feel, your level of self-esteem and your confidence. A positive relationship with your body improves your self-worth and has an impact on the relationships you have with food, exercise and people around you- 3 in 10 adults in the UK suffer with a poor body image according to UK Parliament, with 29% suffering with low self-esteem. Damaging lifestyle habits like yo-yo dieting and binge drinking- all long term influence your physical health.
How to start loving your own body?
Don’t compare your body- to conventional norms, social media, print, others at the gym, lovers expectations, your past body.
Get to know your own body- look at it in the mirror- start to see the imprints of your journey that are as unique as you are and see the strength in them.
Show yourself love- your body supports you every single minute, talk to your body kindly and reward yourself with clothes that make you feel good or a workout you can be proud of.
Start a new habit to treat your body well- a pamper session or a regular massage.
Happiness comes from the inside but you also need to be able to look in the mirror. Any discomfort with your body needs addressing- when you are fully connected, grateful and working in harmony with your body, peace and happiness are the reward.
Those associated with a positive body image generally have better physical health, greater self-esteem and confidence, increased mental resilience, a positive mental attitude, and a higher level of happiness.
5 simple steps to treat your body well…
Connect to your body- discover what it looks and feels like- appreciate all it has been through, apologise for not fully supporting yourself in the past if you have neglected yourself and then let it go. Make a promise to prioritise your body and physical health from now on.
Listen to your body’s signals- body scans are a great tool to check in with how your body feels and any areas that may require attention. Pay attention to any where that feels tense, sore or in need of some TLC.
Nutrition- ensure your body is getting all the fuel it needs to thrive on a cellular level, to increase energy, improve immunity and physical health.
Vitamins- most people are deficient in one or two vitamins, mainly vitamin D and iron. Diet alone can not always be sufficient enough to provide the body with the quantities needed so daily supplementation can prevent this. Simple blood tests can also detect other areas you maybe deficient in.
Avoid toxins- alcohol, sugar, caffeine, fatty foods, preservatives all build up in the physical body -it can only process so much.
Treating our bodies like temples is not just a one-time lesson but a lifelong journey. By modeling healthy behaviors and a positive attitude towards self-care, you can instill these values in your children and set them on a path to a lifetime of well-being. Remember that your actions speak louder than words, so lead by example and watch your children follow suit as they learn to treat their bodies and minds with respect and care.
“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”
Do you need help to start loving and supporting yourself? Let’s have a chat.